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Kudra :maybe_verified:

@Roboron @mike @controlfreak I was hoping someone would point this out. As an instance's number of users grows it does bring in more content from other instances, but it's not *all* the content from each instance.

However, if you have users who become viral on a bigger instance, that could be a really big problem, if I understand correctly, that can already be an issue for small instances with celebrities.

1 comment
Mike McCue

@kudra @Roboron @controlfreak Yes, I think that's correct at the moment. I think there could be ways to setup relays such that bigger instances shouldered more of the burden/cost so that smaller instances didn't have to. Up to now this hasn't been a huge issue but as the number of people with accounts in the Fediverse scales (I think at least 10X growth in 2024 is likely) this will become an important problem to solve in a way that strengthens smaller instances rather than weakening them.

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