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Dr. Quadragon ❌

@tennoseremel And besides, aside from the fact that the ads are becoming ever harder to mitigate, if you DO mitigate them, and everyone does, the advertiser stops paying to the service provider. Because why should they? They're not making any profit, because nobody watches ads, and that's what they're after.


@drq How exactly is this my problem? If you want your website up – do something about it. You can even paywall it if you want. That's on you, not on me.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@tennoseremel Your problem is that you're using the site, aren't you.


@drq Nope. You made it available, I use it. If you close it, I move elsewhere. If there is nowhere to go, it's just the same thing as me not having access to the Internet. But I'm already there if I have to pay for everything.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@tennoseremel Multiply that "I" by the number of the Internet users, and you'll see the point of what I'm saying.

The problem lies not with you as an individual.


@drq I don't get your point, TBH. You need to rephrase it, maybe.

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