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Framework :fedora: :ubuntu:

Framework Laptop 13 (AMD Ryzen 7040 Series) is now out of pre-order and into normal ordering! Many configurations ship directly from inventory within a few business days, and all ship within two weeks. October and November were both record months for us for factory output.

Tero Hänninen

@frameworkcomputer Let's announce Swedish market orders soon, ok?

Andrew Wedlake

@frameworkcomputer Now this is how to innovate, and all done without use of hardware DRM or glue. ;-) Fantastic.


@frameworkcomputer there’s going to be a very excited teenager this week as he opens his first ever computer and finds he needs to build it himself! Awesome!


@frameworkcomputer you guys are the best , however i would seriously seriously love if you guys can reduce the pricing since my brother is thinking of buying a second hand mac since its way cheaper .
his only problem is of battery life and price ,
framework solves the battery life problem by being replacable but its way too expensive ( sry if i am ranting , but price is a really important component of an object)

also announce it to indian market pls?

@frameworkcomputer you guys are the best , however i would seriously seriously love if you guys can reduce the pricing since my brother is thinking of buying a second hand mac since its way cheaper .
his only problem is of battery life and price ,
framework solves the battery life problem by being replacable but its way too expensive ( sry if i am ranting , but price is a really important component of an object)

Thibault Molleman🇧🇪 🌈🐝

They can't make it cheaper. They could if they could.

The thing is, you need to think differently: this laptop is going to last you 5+ years if not more. All you need to do is replace the main board or battery every so often.

Compare that to buying full laptops instead over the same time period, and framework often comes in cheaper over the long run


@Hyprland @frameworkcomputer If you're after cheap and user controlled there's Pine64's Pinebook

Ash Guy :rust:

@frameworkcomputer so I'm good to pour coffee all through my machine now? Excellent.


@frameworkcomputer OLED and/or 100% DCI-P3 coverage display panels?

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