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Dan Morris

@mike I think the "missing link" is actually getting those embedded posts made, like in a blog or news report or even on other social media, where you literally can drag a twitter widget into your wordpress page and you're done. There needs to be a way you can
1. Drag and drop a mastodon post
2. Somehow make a way to automatically link their instance user to the instance where the post was made. So you can just "reply" without any back and forth.

Once that's in place, I think you'll find more and more people will use it instead of Twitter, simply because a post on Mastodon from a news agency or a person is more likely to be legit and well thought out. Users here have some expectations that simply don't exist on Twitter.

Mike McCue

@coldfish Great point! I don't think there's anything preventing this from happening. Just a matter of an engineer building it now.

Dan Morris

I tried to get my client at

to set up an instance instead of using twitter and facebook, but they didn't seem to understand. I tried to explain that their specialty is Accessibility and mastodon is like designed for that. And how they could own the instance entirely and use it for their chats and commentary, etc... but... deaf ears.

I'm sure they will at some point.

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