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felix of the stars 🌻:nite:

@Louisa this was such a relaxing and nice way to unwind ty 🖤

VK Nask

@Louisa love how this turned out! It's especially fun seeing what you've used to create the various little pieces. Also envious of steady hands.


@vknask thank you! I've been very lucky with motor skills, even if my contact lenses keep getting stronger

caffeine devil

@Louisa this is so freakin cool. I watched it with kiddo and he was very complimentary of your painting skills (in 3yo speak, anyway!)

The house looks great!

Squee of Doodles

@Louisa the difference between what you start with and what you finish with is like night and day! :D


@squeedoodle thanks! I really like when I can completely change something 😁


@Louisa this is so cute - I love all the tiny details! Hotglue icicles! Microscopic holly berries!

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