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Paul Martin

@CiaraNi Can't use new NHS Wales App for reordering prescriptions for Mum as she's over 80, hasn't had a driving licence since her stroke in 2009 and her passport expired about five years ago. No acceptable photo ID to sign up and there's no alternative mechanism yet (unlike NHS England). The website that DID work is being decommissioned at the end of this year.


@nowster That's so awful. I've seen a few people caught in this nightmare digital loop - can't do A until you provide B, can't provide B with C, can't get C without A. It's especially awful when it's for essentials like prescriptions. And this new trick of decommissioning websites drives me bananas - they fulfil functions that apps don't and can't!

Paul Martin

@CiaraNi The "app" is mostly a skinned website anyway. You can access the same stuff using a web browser. However they're bouncing off the NHS England site for authentication, but crucially missing the bit where you can ask your GP for some magic codes to use as last resort authentication.


@nowster That's even worse - they can do it, but won't!

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