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I 💯% agree with your main point.

In my experience the example about the videolink option used by emergency services is an improvement instead of an enshittification though:

Earlier this year I was first on site of a medical emergency. And while the person unfortunately died the video-aided link instantly made the diagnosis different, leading to our actions also being different. It absolutely upped the persons chances to survive and helped us provide some comfort to a dying person.



@Pepijn That was a great thing you did. Must have been a tough experience.

The emergency service link is a good example of technology that's beneficial when used appropriately, but problematic when humans don't use situational judgment when using it. If (recent example) a distressed man can't find the SMS and link on the fiddly phone that he's also trying to talk into while his wife is injured beside him, then the dispatcher needs to stop repeatedly demanding he use the link and just send help.


@CiaraNi yeah agreed. Was that recent situation something that happened in Denmark?


@Pepijn There were some news stories about the problem earlier in the year. I heard one man interviewed on P1 about it. The recording of his call was played and it was distressing to hear the dispatcher throwing rudely-worded demands about use of technology at him instead of talking him through his wife's injury while sending help.

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