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War and Peas 🧿

If it's possible for you, please consider supporting us on Patreon.

These comics are our passion and we love to publish them for free on the internet. But while they are a quick read, they are very time consuming to create. That's why we rely on the help of this community.

Go to to see the many extras our supporters get.

Michael Vilain

@warandpeas Love to support you as one of my patreon creators. I wish Patreon put all the billing to start on the 1st instead of the day it's added.

Rob Bos

@warandpeas Nothing says 'royalty' like a pile of corpses.

Måns Almered

@warandpeas Klassiska citatet:
Keep your motivation high.
Every frozen corpse on mount Everest was once a highly motivated person

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