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Federico Viticci :ticciseal:

whatever new Siri AI Apple is working on, I sure hope it doesn't bring up 'Mussolini' literally every single time I search for a 'music' app on my phone


@viticci To be fair you’re searching for “mus” and that can have a lot of hits. Mussolini is probably the greatest number.

Federico Viticci :ticciseal:

@Strwpok are you seriously suggesting that a dictator should always be suggested when I search for "mus" on a phone full of "music" apps 😂

Scott Frazer

@viticci @Strwpok mine suggests “Musk” so I’m not sure I’m any better off 😂


@viticci Ahh, but that hit is under safari not under local apps installed on the phone. iOS pulls different results from different sources to give you loads of choice 👌🏾


@viticci Wonder what happens if you search "Ben"to ;)


@viticci they want you to switch to Spotify…😀

Younis (aka neo) 🏳️‍🌈

@viticci Mussolini is low-key a catchy name for a music app – had he not invented fascism that is.

Allen Shull

@viticci Walter Benjamin: “The logical result of Fascism is the introduction of aesthetics into political life.” *The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction*, 1935.

Under neo-fascism, I guess, we have the inverse?


@viticci Whomst among us isn't searching for that hundreds of times a day, on the go?

David Lynch

@viticci doesn’t happen for me, so I wonder if it’s some sort of location-awareness factoring in. “In Italy and searching for ‘mus’ — ah, I know!” says Siri.


@viticci Worse than Spotlight tell you what 1 Pascal converts to 😭


@viticci side note to the topic, but is musicbox still the best option?


it just gives you exploratory choice ... music or fascism.

Or it's a prediction what's "coming up" in social media trends.

Or it depends on Marketing rankings from internet platforms. Maybe you are ranked with a high F-score by Facebook or the fact that you have a Twitter account.

Or it's superintelligent and wants to warn you about upcoming facism but it has not mouth and can't scream.

Or it's payed content.

One thing for Shure nothing good happens if that guy is popping up.

it just gives you exploratory choice ... music or fascism.

Or it's a prediction what's "coming up" in social media trends.

Or it depends on Marketing rankings from internet platforms. Maybe you are ranked with a high F-score by Facebook or the fact that you have a Twitter account.

Or it's superintelligent and wants to warn you about upcoming facism but it has not mouth and can't scream.


@viticci Mickey Moussollini, known for union busting in the happiest place on earth

Mieszko Ślusarczyk

@viticci Well, it caught the fact you’re Italian ;)


@viticci Using the Italian localization, “Mussolini” doesn’t show up, even when you type “mussolin”. You need to type the whole surname.

Rainer M Krug

@viticci in this case you should definitely avoid saying Hi…


@viticci Context: the Safari history result showed up because I’m following his terrible anti-union propaganda … and thankfully he’s only embarrassing himself and his brands.

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