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Clemens Grabmayer

@Gargron Please compare with Geoffrey Hinton's answer in last week's interview with @erictopol :

ET: "Human Intuition vs what a LLM (Large Language Model) can do: are these complementary?"

GH: "Yes & No. [...] I think they work pretty much in the same way as us. Most people who say `they don't work like us' don't actually have a model about how we work. It might interest them that these models were actually introduced in order to understand how our brain works".

1 comment

@clegra @Gargron @erictopol Anybody who thinks LLMs work the same way as humans, or any animal, is confusing the simplified explanations of LLMs and intelligence with reality.

Also a model built to understand something complex is by no necessity actually behaving internally like that more complex model.
I get the feeling Hinton is stuck equating external with internal behaviour, like psychologists who insist people with ASD "don't feel empathy" just b/c they don't express it like neurotypicals.

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