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Helles Sachsen

There is no common accepted definition of intelligence with which you can prove that a human around you is really intelligent and not just acting like?

It's a double standard if a Computer has to give more proof as a human.

EDIT: In reality its the same with humans. Humans dont understand the logic behind grammar, they just use it because they learned it statistically from their parents, not the rules.

Magnus Ahltorp

@helles_sachsen @Gargron Statistics probably is the overwhelming method of language learning for infants, but as you age, it certainly becomes more complex. I’m of the opinion that statistics is needed for the fast path, but that the slow path uses other methods.

Helles Sachsen

@ahltorp @Gargron I still don't know English grammar as you can see, but you understand me fine I think, I learned it statistically and this was enough for b2. :>

Magnus Ahltorp

@helles_sachsen @Gargron But you reason with others about the language, like you’re doing now. Metalinguistic discussions are always present in a society, and helps your language competence and helps standardise the language.

And I don’t know what “knowing English grammar” would mean if you don’t think you know it, unless we become very prescriptive.

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