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Elisa Fadda-🔺

@Gargron funny I had this exact same exact conversation in my head yesterday about something in a paper I am writing. I decided to define the method as ML throughout and I will most def argue to keep it as such even if any reviewer/editor will suggest to me otherwise 😌

ator robot

@Elisa @Gargron it's possible to be more specific or "technically correct", with terms like LLM or neural net, depending on the context of course - I agree though! often I use "AI" in conversations for the sole purpose of putting on a heavily sarcastic tone, pausing, and padding the word with heavy air quotations. works wonders for my mental health 😏

ator robot

@Elisa suddenly thought it sounded like I was trying to "one up" you, so I want to say I like what you're doing, and just wanted to add my thought 😊

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