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Jon Worth

This was important enough to merit a sort of Brexit diagram. Simple though. #Threads

Flow diagram

At the top it says “Threads is coming to the EU in mid December”

The first box reads “Should you join Threads?” and the second box reads “No”
Kotaro Hiya. I used to fear that Threads would eventually invade and conquer fedi, but I never had to worry about that. I am relieved that they were not what they seemed. It doesn't matter to us if they implement hashtags.


@jon when you join threads it is usually to end them (scnr, programmer joke)

Mike Smale

@jon I joined it just to refer to the 1984 movie about nuclear war, went back on after months and it sucks. Nobody is there, the posts from those I'm following are weeks old, the "For You" is filled with fascist nonsense, etc. Deleted.

@jon I look forward to when it someday connects to the fediverse so I can follow some people who moved there, but otherwise its a boring as hell platform, that is just there for celebs to spout things and be seen.


For me it's not a case of should I, but rather why would I want to? I'm very happy here.

Aral Balkan

@jon Will it have the same “pay us or we fuck you” business model as Facebook, do you know?

Petra van Cronenburg

@aral It's all Meta, so I think so. You have to pay them if you want the legal version ... @jon

Jon Worth

@aral There are no ads initially. So no, not right away.


@jon @aral gotta hook you first. the first taste is free.

Kévin ⏚

@jon I like your optimism that you have a choice, they'll probably run your shadow profile through an LLM and it'll be posting in no time in your name 😅

Number Witch aka Tali

@jon they managed to make threads EU compliant?

Ernst Greiner 🇪🇺

Please be more positive and ask

Should you dump Facebook? -> yes
Should you dump XShitter? -> yes


I am wondering do you happen to have a complete list of the advantages Threads has compared to Mastodon?
Un Bourguignon 🇪🇺🇺🇦 :firedoge:

As far as I know, this crap of threads don't respect any EU rules and laws like GPDR, DSA or DMA. Good luck.


@jon I was caught by this clickbait diagram, this is not about joining thread


@jon does it also require us to pay 10€ so our content will not be sold to ads? I deleted everything in Facebook coz 10€ is daylight robbery.

Robert Frank

Because: Threads are dangers 😳

Leon Cowle

@jon Too late. 😂 Already there (since it launched) and enjoying it. Doesn’t affect my enjoyment of Mastodon, either.

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