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Do you put your milk or serial in first?


@sjvn Don't let it sit too long or your milk will get SCSI.


@sjvn i think it's better to hook the serial up to a drip feed so the computer can drink at a constant rate

Ben Pfaff

@sjvn These days you have let it SATA a little.


@sjvn This is one of those really great awful posts, congratulations.

Keyboard :Blobhaj: :clippy:

@sjvn ah yes, my favourite breakfast. Some “Serial Bytes” with some milk.


@NanoRaptor This is a nice pun, do you have some cereal cables?

Chris 🇺🇸🇦🇺🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

@sjvn There should be fresh air between the serial port and the milk.


@sjvn @TechConnectify image description: a serial cable (formerly used for computers) hanging in a cereal bowl full of milk.


@sjvn said like you've got a cold : did U S B a questiod ?


@sjvn No Frosted Mini Plugs for me today, I'll have the full-size DB-25.

gavinisdie :troll:

@sjvn I drink the milk and then slurp the Serial cable like it's Spaghetti

Harry Karadimas

@sjvn From the UART's point of view you are a Serial Killer.

Nihl L'Amas

@sjvn I usually only have port with dinner.


@sjvn this is certainly a Serial Experiment, Lain.


I think you deserve a (9-pin) D for that one.

Martin Jost

@sjvn Let me guess: On closer look this is a poor DVI-cable?


Image description: A serial cable in a bowl of milk.


@sjvn There you are drowning the poor thing like some kind of serial killer. I can find no parallel to this behavior, monster.

Greg Bell

@sjvn @TechConnectify this is so archaic! Everyone rides the Universal Cereal Bus these days

Aeviarth the Dragoness

@sjvn I'd just drink the milk. I don't really put serial in my milk.


@sjvn Dear dairy [sic!], today I realised no one suggested that cereals go hand in hand with ”fil” (buttermilk), a much better fit for consuming cereals.



Well you should put the serial in the milk before you begin the transfer.


@sjvn i will simply decide that this is a Lain reference



(source: TheRailz Art on Tumblr)

Lain performing Cereal Experiments (pouring milk into a bowl, surrouded by various breakfast cereal packages)

@sjvn I'll bet it's rich in vitamin D and B-9


@sjvn I expected a discussion with puns and turns of phrase around tea tasting and milk before tea or tea before milk.

Hexxy The Grouch

@sjvn Well, I like to take my time and eat slowly. Around 300 bits and I need a couple of drinks. So I grab a pair-a-tea. My wife then grumps at me for taking her tea so I make her a cup of coffee and call it even. Then to finish my meal. I'm about to start bit, but I'm interrupted by the cat and tell them to stop bit. 🧐


@sjvn image description: serial cable hanging into a bowl full of milk.

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