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sam henri gold

Today I turn 22. Here’s a pixel for every photo I took while I was 21. This is the most efficient way to share a photo recap as far as I'm concerned. No swiping or writing alt text for a bunch of slides or anything.

A 23x23 grid of colors. Most are neutral tone with a few vibrant blocks of violet and orange. “21, December 8th 2022” is above the top left corner of the grid. “22, December 8 2023” is at the bottom right.
sam henri gold

I also tried every photo stacked on top of each other at 0.01 opacity but it kinda sucks.

A blurry mess that’s mostly brown gray. You’re not missing much by not seeing this.
sam henri gold

@jillian thanks! my knee has made an old cracking sound every time i've gotten up today. i think that qualifies me for AARP

Chris Wu :toucan:

@samhenrigold Happy birthday Sam. You are the funniest 22 year old that I know of.

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