@Gargron I think we might have to drill down on what's meant by "AI" (and, as always, that's the tricky thing about 'AI' as a label: it's often applied to mean 'computer magic;' once something becomes well-understood and widely-adopted, be it de-noising or search engines, it's no longer 'AI', it's just 'software'). Artists have been using things that we would have considered 'AI' in the past for ages, from hole-fillers to de-noisers to semi-procedural tweening of animations.

I put some thoughts on blog on this topic awhile ago (blog.fixermark.com/posts/2022/), but the tl;dr is "Artists have been using AI for ages and I don't think there's a path forward that precludes its use." Too far down that road is the tired argument "Videogames can't be art because how could Tetris be considered art?"