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Jon S. von Tetzchner

By popular demand, we made Vivaldi available on #FlatHub. Are you using #Flatpak? Have you downloaded @Vivaldi yet? Did you tell your friends?😀

#Linux #Desktop #Download #browser

Jiří Eischmann :fedora:

@jon @Vivaldi I installed it the first day it was available, works great. Again thank you for pushing for it and @ruario for making it happen!

Jon S. von Tetzchner

@sesivany @Vivaldi @ruario , thanks for the push. Happy to be there. Hope you will help us spread the word!

Jalmari Lähevirta

@jon @Vivaldi > NOTE: This package is not officially endorsed or supported by Vivaldi Technologies.
This statement made me stay on the traditional model.

Taggart :donor:

@jon @Vivaldi Thank you so much! I've been waiting for this for a looooong time.

:spinning_pinwheel: Cosmolant

@jon @Vivaldi Vivaldi is the best browser out there. It's a shame it's based on Chromium. Is there any possibility it will be ported to a Firefox Base?

Jon S. von Tetzchner

@ReverseModule @Vivaldi , I think it is unrealistic for us to support two codebases. We already spend a lot of our time just updating Chromium. It is a lot of work as we do not just take Chromium as it is. We add stuff and we remove stuff.

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