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Thomas 🔭✨

@rey the post is fully shown in its entirety when you're not signed into Patreon

Thomas 🔭✨

@rey not getting that (tested on Firefox/desktop and Safari/iOS), maybe try another browser?

Rey, relocated 💜

@thomasfuchs this is Firefox on Android, so maybe they just don't like Android users lol

thanks for the copy/paste

Thomas 🔭✨

@rey anyway, here's the template:

to:,,, [my secondary email address]
subject: TOS opt-out

My name is [name from my 23andMe profile] and my email address is [email address from my 23andMe profile]. I am writing in response to 23andMe's November 30, 2023 update to 23andMe's Terms of Service; I am writing to notify 23andMe that I do not agree to the terms.

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