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Alexander The 1st

@hunterhacker @dplattsf @pjohanneson @thomasfuchs I mean, part of what likely made one's mother's maiden name a go-to security question is that historically, at least among British/American/Canadian/German culture that I'm aware of, it's effectively destructing information; like DRM, it became harder and harder to find documentation on what it was, especially if you weren't part of the family in question...which still has the name.

What's made it less secure is making it more easily traceable -

Alexander The 1st replied to Alexander The 1st

@hunterhacker @dplattsf @pjohanneson @thomasfuchs - not that that's a bad thing, it just...removes the "Something only you or people who have authorization to use your bank account information would likely know." property.

Alexander The 1st replied to Alexander The 1st

@hunterhacker @dplattsf @pjohanneson @thomasfuchs (Though that reminds me of how SINs are social insurance numbers...used to identify you. It wasn't intended to be used that way, but...people did, because it effectively had that same property. "Who else but yourself and people who are authorized to act on your behalf are going to actually memorize that string of numbers?", effectively.)

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