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Matthias Pfefferle

We just released version 1.3.0 of the #ActivityPub plugin for #WordPress

The release is in preparation!

Main new feature: Threaded Comments 😍

Here is a nice example:

Thanks to everyone who was involved!

#fediverse #automattic

Mike Taylor 🦕

@pfefferle Thank you, this is great news!

Any idea when this is likely to come to blogs?

Nils Müller

@pfefferle Uuh, darauf habe ich gewartet. Gibt es im Backend mittlerweile eigentlich auch eine Ansicht, wer dem Blog im Fediversum "folgt" und von Reaktionen sowie "Boosts"?

Matthias Pfefferle

@Weltenkreuzer die follower gibt es schon seit einer der ersten versionen. Schau einfach mal unter "/wp-admin/users.php?page=activitypub-followers-list"

boosts und likes werden noch nicht unterstützt. da hatte ich bisher noch keine clevere idee, wie ich die speichern und anzeigen kann...

Nils Müller

@pfefferle Ok, danke für die Rückmeldung. Und das Plugin! :)

Richard A

@pfefferle At long last. I had completely lost interest. Mainly because I lost interest in Mastodon, rather than Fediverse opportunities. Every few weeks I tested to see if comment threading was possible yet. Finally I can stop testing, and actually use comment threads. This is a big step in making wordpress integral to the fediverse.
I was frustrated that my comments on WP were not propagated to the Fediverse. Now that they can I don't need to use two different accounts anymore.

WP, not FB.

@pfefferle At long last. I had completely lost interest. Mainly because I lost interest in Mastodon, rather than Fediverse opportunities. Every few weeks I tested to see if comment threading was possible yet. Finally I can stop testing, and actually use comment threads. This is a big step in making wordpress integral to the fediverse.
I was frustrated that my comments on WP were not propagated to the Fediverse. Now that they can I don't need to use two different accounts anymore.

Richard A

@pfefferle So by tomorrow I expect plenty of posts will be about comment threading between the Fediverse and WordPress.

Paranoid Factoid

@pfefferle Will it become possible to pass text formatting from a WP post to a Mastodon feed?

Paranoid Factoid

@pfefferle Yes.

If I subscribe from Mastodon to a blog hosted on WP, I get a plain text rendition of the blog entry in my feed. All formatting is lost.

WERNERPRISE° — Thomas Werner


👍 Very nice/sehr schön!
Ich glaube, ich sollte mein Blog auch mal föderieren. So langsam gibt’s keine Entschuldigung mehr 😀

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