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q3k :blobcatcoffee:

@kkarhan @BNetzA @EU_Commission

Some relevant agencies are aware of the problem and are looking into this - can't say more than that yet.


@q3k @kkarhan @BNetzA @EU_Commission Some people in that manufacturer's offices ought to be sweating cold right now

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@raulinbonn @q3k @BNetzA @EU_Commission

I hope so, because they should not get away with 'we did it to enshure train safety and compliance' excuses.

This is just flat-out criminal behaviour!

Imagine if MAN were to disable trucks if they did get serviced by fire departments or logistics firms onsite instead of driven to a service center...

Andreas K

@kkarhan @raulinbonn @q3k @BNetzA @EU_Commission

They should be treated as terrorists, or at least accomplices.

They basically installed backdoors that could be used by anyone (including terrorists) to trivially sabotage infrastructure.


@yacc143 @kkarhan @q3k @BNetzA @EU_Commission Of course as terrorists themselves, not just accomplices. Because they installed backdoors for themselves to surgically (while "invisibly") sabotage infrastructure at will.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@raulinbonn @yacc143 @q3k @BNetzA @EU_Commission

And that alone should be considered as #Govware #Backdoor for foreign agents unless evidenced otherwise.

Cuz we ain't talking about some "warranty void if removed" kinda sticker thing that would get the owner overcharged the next time they'd seek "authorized" support, but literal attacks of #PublicTransport #infrastructure that could be weaponized to impact #NatSec and #GlobalSec [i.e. blocking train tracks with bricked trains!]...

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@yacc143 @raulinbonn @q3k @BNetzA @EU_Commission Exactly.

This is the kind of shite where @stman wants to scream "I TOLD YA SO!" so loud it could be heard in Poland...

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