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We Can Be Gyros

@Strandjunker this is a good time to discuss that once you elect a buffoon, it's very very difficult to remove them. You cannot get a vote to expel by those involved in the crimes. This time Goerge stole $ from Congress ' friends too. Don't get it twisted. The residents of CD3 petitioned to remove him. It was ignored. The resident of CD1 in NY petitioned to remove Zeldin after J6, it was ignored and he ran for Governor with little Dem pressure in what I say is Progressive territory, Suffolk NY.

Odd reverberations

@WecanbeGyros @Strandjunker Suffolk goes with whoever is going to make them money. Trump won Suffolk in 2016 51-44% and beat Biden by a hair in 2020.

We Can Be Gyros

@radicalfaery @Strandjunker Suffolk has no real democrats running. GoP are terrorists and Democrats are Republicans. We are discussing Congress, not presidential representatives.

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