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Andrea Junker :verified:

Just a casual reminder that in 1861, 11 Senators and 3 Representatives were expelled from Congress for failing to recognize Lincoln’s election and supporting insurrection. — If we can expel George Santos, we can expel the insurrectionists.

John R :verified:

Except there were a lot of Insurrectionists and they will vote “no”.


@Strandjunker Unfortunately nobody with that kind of fortitude and courage gets/stays elected.

Just looking at what happened to Medhi Hasan, the US nation (not all people though) is no longer that culture.

Even with all the obvious things TFG did, TWO impeachments couldn't convict him. THAT was the historical marker the US nation dropped past any recovery.

John R :verified:

@ShrikeTron @Strandjunker
It’s hard to convict someone when the jury is allowed to give the defendant advice and are accomplices.

Brett Glass - WY7BG

@ShrikeTron @Strandjunker Mehdi Hasan biased his reporting in favor of murderous terrorists. In this, he is similar to the US pols who claim that the J6 defendants are "political prisoners."

We Can Be Gyros

@Strandjunker this is a good time to discuss that once you elect a buffoon, it's very very difficult to remove them. You cannot get a vote to expel by those involved in the crimes. This time Goerge stole $ from Congress ' friends too. Don't get it twisted. The residents of CD3 petitioned to remove him. It was ignored. The resident of CD1 in NY petitioned to remove Zeldin after J6, it was ignored and he ran for Governor with little Dem pressure in what I say is Progressive territory, Suffolk NY.

Odd reverberations

@WecanbeGyros @Strandjunker Suffolk goes with whoever is going to make them money. Trump won Suffolk in 2016 51-44% and beat Biden by a hair in 2020.

We Can Be Gyros

@radicalfaery @Strandjunker Suffolk has no real democrats running. GoP are terrorists and Democrats are Republicans. We are discussing Congress, not presidential representatives.


@Strandjunker They never should have been seated.


@kataclyst @Strandjunker very true. They will also not be expelled.

Ciggy Bringer of Smoke


I am blowing a gasket over the replies you're getting which seemingly afford more grace to smaller pool of more powerful people for not even trying and defeatism being the smart and pragmatic play, when in the next breath they would insist we vote for the only line of defense that...doesn't even try and resigns to defeatism as smart and pragmatic.

Gene Cowan 🏳️‍🌈

@Strandjunker @lisamelton Except that the insurrectionists won’t vote to expel themselves.


@Strandjunker would everyone kindly write and call their reps on this specific matter so we can repeat this pleasant bit of history instead of just the shitty ones ? Plz k thx

Dan Herbert

@Strandjunker I feel like this post kinda ignores the political context at that point in 1861. Those expulsions happened after the Civil War had already begun. I'd rather not need another Civil War to accomplish that today...

Tim Bondy

Obviously, the #RepublicanParty believes that insurrection and/or coup plotting is just a nothingburger crime. But FansOnly funding from stolen credit cards is serious business. In fairness, the Christian guidance of how to go to the magical place in the skies does cover the stealing part and insurrection isn't. #PraiseBe and #UnderTrumpsEyes.


@Strandjunker I have a feeling that is the first and last time any of the Republicans show any ethics or do anything for the good of their country



When the judge in Colorado said Trump was not an officer, which is what will be in the future debatable, what she did state was that he was responsible for an insurrection.
In that ruling she did not take Trump from the ballot consideration however what she did do is state plainly- If you were to have been invovled with an insurrection AND been an officer of the court you would be subject to the 14th and no longer able to run for office.

IMHO the judge already set the precedence for the removal of what- some 142 Congress and a shit ton of Senators. none of which should now be able to run IF they voted against the certification which means they were pro insurection.


When the judge in Colorado said Trump was not an officer, which is what will be in the future debatable, what she did state was that he was responsible for an insurrection.
In that ruling she did not take Trump from the ballot consideration however what she did do is state plainly- If you were to have been invovled with an insurrection AND been an officer of the court you would be subject to the 14th and no longer able to run for office.

Seeker (tm) (AI8W) ✡︎ :ally:


A few years later, the doctor who set James Wilkes Booth's leg after Booth shot Lincoln was tried and executed for treason. His name was Samuel Mudd.

This is where the phrase, "Your name is Mudd" comes from.


@Strandjunker It truly astounds me that it isn't basically automatic -- that a systematic and willful corruption on one side is enough to actually allow an insurrectionist who attempted to violently take over America's government can still run for office and that those who support him are allowed to remain in positions of power rather than, for example, a jail cell. It never occurred to the founding fathers or lawmakers since then things could get *THIS* bad, and now it may be too late.


@Strandjunker It was easy in 1861. The entire southern congressional delegation was gone after they seceded. Otherwise, a 2/3 majority is hard to achieve.

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