Physical media means shit if the contents on the optical disc are encrypted (they are) and the only way to watch it is in a device that has DRM baked into it, they can still block it in plenty of very creative ways you never imagined.
If you want to own stuff and not having to have to go to court to tell these corporate degenerates to not lock you away from that content (what Sony did is illegal, but nobody will dispute this in court so they will do it anyways), don't buy DRMed content, including physical.
Physical media means shit if the contents on the optical disc are encrypted (they are) and the only way to watch it is in a device that has DRM baked into it, they can still block it in plenty of very creative ways you never imagined.
Physical media means shit if the contents on the optical disc are encrypted (they are) and the only way to watch it is in a device that has DRM baked into it, they can still block it in plenty of very creative ways you never imagined.
If you want to own stuff and not having to have to go to court to tell these corporate degenerates to not lock you away from that content (what Sony did is illegal, but nobody will dispute this in court so they will do it anyways), don't buy DRMed content, including physical.
Physical media means shit if the contents on the optical disc are encrypted (they are) and the only way to watch it is in a device that has DRM baked into it, they can still block it in plenty of very creative ways you never imagined.