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Taylor Lorenz

"If someone is going to blackmail me with advertising, blackmail me with money, go fuck yourself. Go fuck yourself," he said.

He then called out Disney CEO Bob Iger in the audience, which paused advertising on Twitter saying, "Hi Bob!"

Taylor Lorenz

"Just because it came out of my mouth, doesn't mean it's true," Elon Musk later said at the Dealbook summit.


@taylorlorenz having a normal one/tweeting through it/et cetera

Taylor Lorenz

Andrew Ross Sorkin asks Musk about his mental state and Musk dove into how his mental state is admittedly stormy, not in a good way, then said:

"My life is finite, really a flash in the pan in a galactic timescale."


@taylorlorenz I hope he uses that quote at the next investor call.

Laukidh :ablobcool:

@stefan @taylorlorenz sadly, they went private so no public call, afaik.

I imagine it’s more of a conference call with Larry Ellison and Prince Waleed.

Nonya Bidniss

@taylorlorenz Guess little Elon is going through some things. It's always better to go through some things when you're a billionaire.

Chris Alemany🇺🇦🇨🇦🇪🇸

@taylorlorenz in other words the guy doesn't care what he says because YOLO and he might die tomorrow. What a menace to the human race.

Taylor Lorenz

You can watch the whole fiasco via this link. As my colleague noted, people who like Musk, like Trump, will eat this up. But Musk is running a business, not for political office.

Angry Centrist

@taylorlorenz "Musk is running a business" seems way more charitable than he deserves. It seems more like Musk is running a long, complex con and the businesses are just set pieces in the con.


@taylorlorenz Got help us if he gets a whim to run for office next.

Justin Stanley

@taylorlorenz wow. A real murderer’s row of losers there.

David Njoku

@taylorlorenz Why did we ever think that this man was clever? I'm ashamed of all of us.

Scooter 🇺🇦 🇳🇿

@taylorlorenz Thank God he was born in S.A. and can't run for POTUS!



Poor guy - spending his precious, finite life spreading poisonous pizzagate lies.

Tyler Durden

Mentally unstable idiot is in charge of the most influencial social network in the world. No wonder russian trolls took it over.


@taylorlorenz This is for sure troublesome, but it seems to show Musk is seeing himself from the outside in, along the lines of longtermerism or EA offshoots, and that 1000 km stare (without nuanced approach for contemporaries or short term considerations) is downright alarming coming from the world’s richest man.

billy joe bowers is tired.🇺🇦


Techbros: "As a realist I know my time is finite so I want my stupid ideas to have long lasting damage"


@taylorlorenz "You know in the grand scheme of things, in 100 trillion years, everything that exists now wont exist, so none of my actions ultimately matter" - the orphan crushing machine operator

Mark Kraft

@taylorlorenz Dead CEO walking.

Like, you could wake up tomorrow, Elon could be dead from autoerotic asphyxiation... and suddenly your Tesla stock has gone up 40%.

rhys the great

@taylorlorenz a moment of weird reflection there thinking this might have been The Good Sorkin and not the Weird Bad Sorkin.


@taylorlorenz that quote suggests an increasing deathcount in his wake as he nears death for real


@taylorlorenz unless his empire goes under within 5 years as predicted and law enforcement catches up with him

Mastodon Migration


"Just because it came out of my mouth, doesn't mean it's true..." Elon Musk

Never were truer words spoken.

A L Katz

@taylorlorenz What are 'things raging assholes say on a regular basis"?



Not wanting your brand positioned next to Nazi propaganda = blackmail. Got it.


@greenorchids @taylorlorenz He simply forgot he's not yet the only person with agency.

Aviva Gary

@taylorlorenz Wow and there he did it... he made Disney (specifically Bob Iger) look good in comparison to whatever shit show he calls a business he's running... 👀


@taylorlorenz "blackmail" is certainly a creative way of describing "we don't want to give money to Nazi sympathizers"

Erin Conroy

NYT put this antisemitic garbage pile on the same stage with the Vice President, & twisted into a passive voice pretzel to avoid unmasking him: "Mr. Musk used a profanity to express his lack of concern that advertisers would abandon his X social media platform, & it would be their fault if it dies"

Musk "deflected...whether Beijing has leverage over him because the market is...about a quarter of Tesla sales"

Musk "suggests the power Altman has accumulated corrupted him.°

NYT put this antisemitic garbage pile on the same stage with the Vice President, & twisted into a passive voice pretzel to avoid unmasking him: "Mr. Musk used a profanity to express his lack of concern that advertisers would abandon his X social media platform, & it would be their fault if it dies"

Kim Spence-Jones 🇬🇧😷

@taylorlorenz Don’t you just love free market capitalism. 🤣🤣🤣


@taylorlorenz Openly attacking Iger seems like a bad plan


@taylorlorenz You know, Disney could easily set up its own server on Mastodon and have ABC/ESPN use Mastodon exclusively, and maintain control over their reporters' toots. Just sayin'.


@taylorlorenz That's not blackmail, that's just business. You are rightly obligated to your customers if you want to continue getting money from them.

These entitled billionaire man-babies are absolutely disgusting.


May 25, 2023: "Ron DeSantis Relaunches Presidential Campaign From Inside Burning Tesla",
May 18, 2023: "Disney Pulls Plug on $1 Billion Development in Florida",

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