...meanwhile, the livecam shows that the flooding isn't that bad now / and is kind of localized. People are getting around just fine, so long as they avoid the few pools of surface water.
Center camp is rationing their supplies, but this makes sense. Also, it's *really* not looking crowded. If there are 70,000 people waiting to depart still, well... they're all behind the camera. I suspect many who go for the weekend were turned back on Friday / never made it.

...meanwhile, the livecam shows that the flooding isn't that bad now / and is kind of localized. People are getting around just fine, so long as they avoid the few pools of surface water.
Center camp is rationing their supplies, but this makes sense. Also, it's *really* not looking crowded. If there are 70,000 people waiting to depart still, well... they're all behind the camera. I suspect many who go for the weekend were turned back on Friday / never made it.