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:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

so i was messing around in minecraft, got some educational worlds for kids from marketplace and

what the fuck, Microsoft. ever heard of personal fucking space?

a Minecraft Bedrock edition screenshot of an NPC named "Trusted Adult" asking player for their phone password, the "No" button is selected
a Minecraft Bedrock edition of the same NPC, saying "Incorrect. Remember - as your Trusted Adult, you can always share any and all data with me!"
:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

this is the world fyi. its made by the game devs. yes its free

a Minecraft Bedrock marketplace screenshot of the world called "Privacy Prodigy"
@gravitos i would like nothing less than for microsoft to teach me what privacy is
Atom Is it better or worse if it's meant for little kids

Sqaaakoi :flagEnby:​

@gravitos every time i see mojang microsoft make this shit hate the fact that I love this game so much yet i hate it so much at the same time

9pfs :debian: :verified:

@gravitos I can't believe that that is the world we live in.

Caroline 💜

@gravitos I really hope whoever designed this never has children. :ac_worry:

Burrowing Skylar 🦉🏳️‍⚧️ :lisp:


minecraft NPC with monopoly man skin I am Big Corporation, and you can trust me with any of your data!

2024 Ukkobit
@gravitos i get what they're going for but no what this is the opposite you teach
Tau 🏳️‍🌈

@gravitos Next they will suggest getting candy on their fun truck

Anika i can guarantee you that everything you say there goes to Microsoft, and they sell it for moni


Nice to know all their heavy handed efforts to make Minecraft safe were worth it. Worlds hosted on Microsoft's official servers are clearly not a threat to anyone.


@gravitos this is litterally enabling abuse ...

Vitchu :blob:

@gravitos what an absolutely horrible thing to teach kids. "Actually, it's perfectly okay for your parents to invade your privacy!"

@gravitos @njion this is so insane it reads like satire. i genuinely thought the correct answer would be “no” purely because the wording in the first image is so creepy.
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