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sam henri gold

my point being it was a fun (albeit short) transitional period for visual design where we got our cake and ate it too. the readability of flat while retaining the personality of earlier design.

⁂ Justin (

@samhenrigold I maintain that the Zune HD (2010ish) was actually peak UI and every trend since then has brought us further from god.

Zarin Loosli

@samhenrigold perhaps the internet has just conditioned me for negativity, but I initially thought you were saying that these designed had committed some major sin by pursuing flatness without really understanding it. And I kept thinking "I don't know, I kind of like it!" and wondering what was wrong with me 😁

Glad to know you like it too 👍


@samhenrigold and now we have flat, bland and void of personality! yay…

Sam Gross

@samhenrigold my first summer being a PM, I had an app in this semi-flat style with a full design finished and build in progress.

That was early June 2014. And then WWDC happened. Design scrapped.

Craig Hockenberry

@samhenrigold Twitterrific 5 was released in December 2012, and we definitely had our cake and ate it all up.

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