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Writing some more assembly for the NES/famicom today and sometimes I'm in awe of how fast the system is, I blast through the code that needs to run each frame and then sit idle for around 70% of the time - but then when I want to update the background layer I have to limit myself to writing ~64 bytes a frame because the time window where this is possible is so narrow

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@voxel I wonder if someone's made an #NES subroutine that runs outside VBlank, reads arbitrary bytes and generates a program in RAM that writes those bytes to $2007 as fast as possible. For example, the subroutine would convert bytes $00 $10 $20 $00 $80 $20 into this program:
lda #$00
sta $2007
ldx #$10
stx $2007
ldy #$20
sty $2007
sta $2007 ; LDA not necessary
ldx #$80
stx $2007
sty $2007 ; LDY not necessary

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