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Marcello Bastéa-Forte

@warandpeas courtesy of chatgpt:

"A four-panel comic titled 'War and Peas'.

1. A fox-like king with a red cape and crown proudly gestures to a yellow castle, exclaiming, 'Behold, I have built this majestic fortress.'
2. A wizard-looking character, with a pointy hat and robe, responds skeptically, 'But my lord, your castle is made of marshmallows.'


Jan Adriaenssens

@warandpeas ChatGPT gave me this:


A four-panel cartoon shows a fox-headed king boasting about his fortress made of marshmallows to a wizard. The king explains it will make enemies bounce off its walls. Indeed, a knight bounces off the fluffy wall with a "BOING!" The wizard praises the king's genius. The cartoon is captioned "War and Peas."

bison ✅

@warandpeas i use chatGPT for image descriptions, ist so amazing (yeah, slight mistakes ^^").
Full text is in the image description


ALT text: Comic strip titled "War and Peas" showing a fox king who built a castle out of marshmallows, resulting in a charging knight bouncing off its walls, while the king and his adviser discuss the fluffy defense strategy.

Je ne suis pas goth

@warandpeas my attempt:

1st panel:
A king exclaims (we know it's a king, because he has a beard and a kingly cape, plus he's standing at the top of a castle): Behold, I have built this majestic fortress.
2nd panel: slight zoom out. Besides the king, a servant (or some kind of wizard? They have a pointy hat) answers: But my lord, your castle is made of marshmallows.

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