@AE4WX @flockofnazguls @th Oh, no doubt. Clearly the person worked in broadcast in their local area or was a sufficiently obsessed amateur. But you can't just "round up the usual suspects", and IIRC it was generally believed the hijack was done from a van, so getting caught in the act on such a short transmission doesn't seem likely.
I've heard of pirate radio stations running out of a van that went years without getting caught.
@roadriverrail @flockofnazguls @th oh yeah, they weren't going to get caught in the act, for sure. But I'm skeptical about the van... tough to get line of sight to the top of the Hancock Building from a van unless you're WAY far out... I grew up at 87th Street and California and I don't even think a van could do it from there. I think they were likely close by and high up in one of the nearby buildings.