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Baldur Bjarnason

The thought pops into my head that free/open source, and by extension software in general, shares many characteristics with “creative” industries such as publishing or music

The foundation of these industries is unpaid passion labour that’s treated as disposable.


@baldur There's an analogue in the games industry, where the passion-project nature of the work leads to incredible overwork exploitation (it's not unpaid in this case, however, but can be relatively very low)

Efi (nap pet) 🦊💤

@baldur I've always said programming is an art, because it is a creative endeavor to see the real things you want to digitize and represent them in a way that others can agree is actually what the original was, but in a much more limited medium
instead of canvas and paint it's bytes and mathematical algorithms, but there is still interpretation and style choices, both in the sources and the actual implementations
there's even philosophical schools like imperative and functional

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