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Elias Mårtenson

@jchaven @tinker is a bad display though. That kind of tape was already obsolete by 1996.

Tinker ☀️

@loke @jchaven - The magnetic tape doesn't have a date on it.

Elias Mårtenson

@tinker @jchaven that's fair. But a good exhibit shows what things would have looked like in the day, to give some meaning to the things being displayed.

The exhibit as shown is a very unlikely mix of things that you probably wouldn't have seen at any point in time, I don't think.

Mayor of Nerdocrumbesia 🏡

@loke @tinker

True, but it was still in use. I worked as a computer operator in the late '90s that used crates of them each night. We had 2 IBM self-loading tape drives which were super nice and 2 DEC top-loaders that we had to spin-up by hand. By 1999 they too were gone.

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