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Tinker ☀️

The local library has these ancient relics on display...

(No, literally... this is an unironic historical display.)

#ImOld #IT #History #Libraries


@tinker There used to be floppy disk dispensers like cola machines.

Andrea Shmandrea


Now give us an interactive exhibit so the next generation can enjoy the full experience.

Mayor of Nerdocrumbesia 🏡


Wow. Time flies. 1996 was 27 years ago.

In 1996 the equivalent display would be showing objects from 1969.

Elias Mårtenson

@jchaven @tinker is a bad display though. That kind of tape was already obsolete by 1996.

Tinker ☀️

@loke @jchaven - The magnetic tape doesn't have a date on it.

Elias Mårtenson

@tinker @jchaven that's fair. But a good exhibit shows what things would have looked like in the day, to give some meaning to the things being displayed.

The exhibit as shown is a very unlikely mix of things that you probably wouldn't have seen at any point in time, I don't think.

Mayor of Nerdocrumbesia 🏡

@loke @tinker

True, but it was still in use. I worked as a computer operator in the late '90s that used crates of them each night. We had 2 IBM self-loading tape drives which were super nice and 2 DEC top-loaders that we had to spin-up by hand. By 1999 they too were gone.


@tinker that's actually pretty cool :)


@tinker we refer to that as “the good times”


@tinker I went the other way (K6-2 550MHz). Given the state of multiprocessing at the time getting much out of those dual i686 builds was hard.

Natasha Nox 🇺🇦🇵🇸

@AMS @tinker I assume you had to manually assign individual processes to the second CPU, otherwise it would run on just a single one?

This is *just* too early for me, this board was new when I was 4. :')


@Natanox @tinker I don't really know. I didn't have multicore (or multi-thread) myself until much later. I just remember reading at the time that Win9x / ME couldn't handle it. I was fully converted to linux by the time I got a multicore system so didn't care at that point.

Everyday.Human Derek

The one Librairy we went to had a giant history of transformers.
All original characters were there on display all of them in this giant case. I’ll have to snap a picture to get it next time for everyone it was so cool.

John Francis

@tinker how old are the people in the picture? How do they feel about having their youthful souls imprisoned in a museum display?


@tinker The last time I used that style of tape was 1992. The last time I used tape was probably 1998 or 1999.

Mr B


Now I have to wonder which CRRL branch this is at. Sure, you'll find older electronics pop up on eBay as surplus occasionally and the local arcade has older working electronics than these, but it's still interesting.

Also, the modem mentions that it's an upgrade to an acoustic coupler, which I would imagine would also be on display.

Tinker ☀️

@matt5sean3 - Oh there were other pieces of older tech... I just highlighted the ones that I was very familiar with.


@tinker oh shit a zip disk! Haven't seen those in a while

Arsimael Inshan

@tinker Once I visited a Book Restauration workshop in Nuremberg. They were in the process of fixing a Bible from the 14th century. I despise any form of religion, but I can't deny the age of this relic. This was made when people were relying on horses as the most powerful workforce they knew.
Imagine how many people were holding this book.

Same with that pieces. 30 years isn't that old, but think about how much changed since then. When those boards were 'the shit', we were running around with monochrome two-line mobiles (if you had money) and "Macarena" was the coolest song on the planet.

No always online, no social media, no Ai.

@tinker Once I visited a Book Restauration workshop in Nuremberg. They were in the process of fixing a Bible from the 14th century. I despise any form of religion, but I can't deny the age of this relic. This was made when people were relying on horses as the most powerful workforce they knew.
Imagine how many people were holding this book.

The Fury 🐧💻❗️🔥:verified:

@tinker why is my childhood/teenage years in a museum display case?

Em :official_verified:

@tinker I was there, Gandalf. I was there 3000 years ago... :afloppy:

Wolf Munroe ☎


That Zip 250 disk seems a little out of place because I never saw one anywhere outside of an electronics store or catalog.

I used to see the original Zip 100 drives and disks in-use various places, but I think of Zip 250 as a Never-Was product.

Back then I thought Zip drives were going to be the future, but then CD burners took over the market.


@tinker When I first started at Intel, my first job was providing technical support for that exact model of motherboard. (It reached unsupported status soon into my first stint, but still…)

🌱 Ligniform :donor:​

@tinker the far off distant future of 1996 no less 😱​

Jake in the desert

@tinker I've heard tell of "floppy disks" and "CD-ROMs"

Bob The Rider

I remember an IBM XT standing in the rain. We took it apart and left it to dry on the radiator for a week - it ran

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