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Andrew Tropin

gandi changed their free mail service (advertised as a free addition to your domain) to paid one and it cost 4EUR/month per mailbox, there is also a yearly option, which cost 48EUR/year 😄

The service isn't bad, but I wouldn't say it's great in some way either.

Looking for place to migrate., or something else:

My notes on the topic:

#email #mail #europeanunion #europe #privacy #ethics

Fidel Ramos

@abcdw I use Protonmail. I have also heard good things about Tutanota and Fastmail.

At least Protonmail has Black Friday offers that you can benefit from.

Andrew Tropin

@fidel They both (protonmail and tutanota) doesn't support IMAP and other standard email tools, which is kinda sad.

Fidel Ramos

@abcdw Protonmail supports IMAP through their bridge:

They need this extra piece of software because of their PGP zero-access encryption.

Andrew Tropin

@fidel Yes, I briefly read about it, but it doesn't make much sense, I have my own gpg key and can encrypt it whenever I need and want.

Also, I had a conversation with a proton mail user and I recieved email from them encrypted, however I couldn't reply back with encryption, because it seems proton doesn't expose pgp public key via WKD (it could be related to additional setup not done on custom domain).

Fidel Ramos

@abcdw Not that you want to, but Protonmail supports using your own PGP private keys:

Protonmail aims to make encrypted email easy, but that means that you are probably not their target audience.



This is why I send the public key as a attachment in every mail. This way you just import it.

On you can also import keys for advanced users like you.

Proton mail doesn't want to be able to read your mails so your browser needs to unlock your mailbox. IMAP would require them to be able to read your mailbox so they provide you with the bridge so you can install IMAP on a host YOU trust.


Andrew Tropin

@dgr @fidel I understand why the proton bridge is needed for imap access to proton, but I don't think it's right architectural decision. migadu's approach looks more apropriate to me:


@abcdw @fidel Not quite understand there approach from the link.
But I disagree on some of the points. Encryption on rest means it's a legal hurdle as much as a technological one and there hinting at the Hollywood scenario is stupid as IMHO the worries are nosy admins and greedy police states. I don't think I care about spam and viruses for encrypted mails. Also I could use the bridge to solve the search issue.

Andrew Tropin

@dgr @fidel The approach is to stick to vanilla emails without forced encryption and custom gui apps to access your emails via standard protocols.

If you want encryption, encrypt it with your usual pgp tool.

Personally, I don't see how proton and similiar services improve something, but I clearly see how they make it harder to use standard tools.


@abcdw for me it's gmail with a added price that ensures, that I'm the customer and not the product. Also it makes it easy for me to handle encrypted email without access to my setup (at work).


@abcdw I migrated to for the same reason. It's not perfect, but they support SMPT/IMAP clients and it's not that expensive.


@abcdw I need to migrate this week, too. I’ve been looking at


@abcdw Perhaps consider Runbox? Norway based email. Sign up and pay within 24 hours and get
2 years for the price of 1
on the Micro, Mini, Medium, and Max plans.

#email #Runbox

Chad Nelson :guix:

@abcdw been using for a few years now and have been really happy with it. They offer a nice suite of features and have been reliable.

Andrew Tropin

@superkamiguru Yep, this is one of the option, I'm considering.

Sandro Santilli

@abcdw I took the chance to directly manage my email , which is a great way to feel the meaning of the Internet.

Be your own host 😉


Andrew Tropin

@strk I already have a lot of things to manage and fun with selfhosted mail server is not what I'm looking for at the moment. I guess it's better to give this job to people, who do it professionally ;)


@abcdw I use Proton Mail and I tried Tutanota. I like Proton Mail enough to pay for the Ultimate CHF 190 per 24 months. I think it was a black Friday/cyber Monday deal 😉

Here is a referral link . You will get a free month of mail plus and I will get $5 or $15 if you take a 1 or 12 month subscription.


@abcdw I've used migadu for a couple of years now and been satisfied with the service they provide.

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