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Dana Fried


I see and acknowledge your subtoot.

In my defense, I was not intending to call anyone out; it was more of a "it seems weird this is missing is someone working on this?"

My expectation (which was correct) was that I would get multiple replies of "oh fork X and client Y already do this", and/or (also correct) "it's on the roadmap; here's roughly when to expect it".

(Also while I understand it's only a small amount of money, I am one of the people who *does* pay for this website.)


@tess I actually haven’t seen your post, so this wasn’t secretly directed at you, I promise.

This was more about someone I know being mansplained today about a field she knows a lot about (contributing to Mastodon).

Dana Fried

@oliphant oh no! Well, inadvertently bad timing I guess.

But wow that's unfortunate. Oof. Dislike. If you want to point me in her direction I am happy to jump in swinging.

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