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There's not as much money in this space as you think there is.

Like the reason the features you expect don't exist is that a venture capitalist isn't paying for them and funding the salaries of hundreds of engineers, and thus real people (many with a full time paying job) are building those things. Because they want to build them, not because it's their job.

They can say "No, I don't want to work on that" and no one can fire them--because they aren't even getting paid.

Ease up on the entitlement.

If you want a free space that we control, help fund it, help build it, or adjust your expectations accordingly.


As I've said before, it "hits different" when someone complains about a lack of features in "this place" when the meaning of "this place" is extremely subjective depending on (but not limited to):

A: The server you're on
B: Who you follow (your 'feed')

and when you also importantly realize

C: No one is paying for this shit

Okay, people are paying a little for this. But no one is getting rich off of their work for the fediverse.

At this point, I'm increasingly thinking my hope to be employed fulltime building stuff for the fedi is a pipedream--and that I might be taking up income better directed at minorities who aren't white dudes with a corporate job waiting for them a phone call away.

But I'm trying to see if I can make this work, but I'm going to have to hustle at a level never hustled before if I want to make that happen--and I probably can't.

In the end, what will most likely happen, for me, is that I go back to work at a 9-5 remote job and I code for a salary and get my health insurance (a critical concern for Americans).... and then write code for this space "on the side", little by little. When I have time and feel like coding more than 35 hours in a week.

That's literally the dilemma for a lot of people, and a lot of people don't have the spoons/desire to work a second fulltime job doing the same work they are doing in their primary fulltime job.

Like you have to love coding to do that. And I don't think it's sustainable.

More thoughts later.

As I've said before, it "hits different" when someone complains about a lack of features in "this place" when the meaning of "this place" is extremely subjective depending on (but not limited to):

A: The server you're on
B: Who you follow (your 'feed')

and when you also importantly realize

C: No one is paying for this shit

Dana Fried


I see and acknowledge your subtoot.

In my defense, I was not intending to call anyone out; it was more of a "it seems weird this is missing is someone working on this?"

My expectation (which was correct) was that I would get multiple replies of "oh fork X and client Y already do this", and/or (also correct) "it's on the roadmap; here's roughly when to expect it".

(Also while I understand it's only a small amount of money, I am one of the people who *does* pay for this website.)


@tess I actually haven’t seen your post, so this wasn’t secretly directed at you, I promise.

This was more about someone I know being mansplained today about a field she knows a lot about (contributing to Mastodon).

Dana Fried

@oliphant oh no! Well, inadvertently bad timing I guess.

But wow that's unfortunate. Oof. Dislike. If you want to point me in her direction I am happy to jump in swinging.


I think when there's a huge outcry for privacy, reporting, mod tools and accessibility, but we get search and "discoverability", the criticism will continue to ring quite loudly.

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