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Dave Rahardja

@thomasfuchs [Internal screaming]

I used to write software for navigation avionics. We sweated every single line we added. We removed *every* unnecessary complexity. We wrote our own real-time task schedulers. We did not use dynamic memory, but budgeted the resource used by every algorithm up front. We managed every block of Flash memory to guarantee we will never run out of space. We time-bounded our graphics-drawing code to guarantee information displayed would never be stale. We verified that our code would not break real time contracts even if we missed *every* CPU cache lookup.


[Internal screaming]

Martin Seeger

@drahardja @thomasfuchs
Not to excuse anything: It is practically impossible to staff a new company with the kind of software engineering you did. When someone arrives from the University, he expects to find a K8S as basis for computing and an unlimited supply of S3 buckets. Whish I were joking ...

There are rare gems that can do the old stuff, but not enough to bootstrap a new company...

Dave Rahardja

@masek @thomasfuchs Then perhaps…you can’t actually afford to bootstrap a new rocketship company? To do so anyway knowing that your software is endangering lives is irresponsible.


@drahardja @thomasfuchs Hell, I used to write a simple graphics library for controlling RGB LEDs. A hobbyist, single-user library, and I _still_ managed my own memory, had error-handling, and counted cycles.

Javascript _can_ be reliable, but there are so many better options for a freaking spaceship

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