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Thomas 🔭✨

There’s people unironically replying that this is somehow a good thing and I just can’t

Evan Deaubl

@thomasfuchs "Tell me you've never worked on embedded, real-time, safety critical software without telling me you've never worked on embedded, real-time, safety critical software" challenge

Annie It's like the worst idea ever. Maybe sensible as a mockup early on for the UI team to iterate on, but the actual flight software? What the fuck?

Technology Connections

@thomasfuchs I know next to nothing about the nuts and bolts of code and whatnot yet I still know this is a terrible, terrible idea.


@thomasfuchs "Full-stack" folks gonna "full-stack", apparently, choosing to die on the JS hill


@madopal @thomasfuchs It's actually more "full-heap" than "full-stack".

Parts of that ecosystem are also "full-house", but those houses are houses of cards.

Jeff Craig

@thomasfuchs I know people in the Space industry at new-school space companies that aren't SpaceX that love JS-based interfaces for their ground control stations, but would never consider putting that shit in orbit.

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