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Dimitris A. Nakos

@nixCraft What do you mean used to? I still do it when using windows XD


@nixCraft still do, but with `while :; do ls -l ...`

Scott VE3QBZ

@nixCraft This is still approximately 73% of my career in IT.

Axel Rafn

@nixCraft what kind of barbarian uses his/her/their finger? Use the mouse pointer! =D

And yes, I still do when installing things in Proxmox over VSAT connections =D

Sternwarte Vach (Andy)

@nixCraft in my childhood there were no progress bars... only the cool sound of the program on tape


@nixCraft I still do this but not with my finger, I use one corner of the file manager window

Oliver Vanderb

@nixCraft I always made a line with a permanent marker on the screen. Like the crosshair in Ego Shooters 🙂

Saupreiss #Präparat500

@nixCraft Strange display.
It rather looked like that back then…


@nixCraft I used to recommend to others to tilt the monitor so the "liquid" could flow faster. They didn't so they had to wait the full time :P

smallcircles (Humanity Now 🕊)


Some really good memes passing my timeline from your end. I would boost them if they had image alt-texts for #a11y reasons, and I'm sure more other people would too. They are easily added by clicking 'Edit' after uploading the image. Keep those memes coming 🤗

Sander Meijer

@nixCraft yep, when it was especially slow, I would open another window like notepad or so and line the border up with the progress bar.


@nixCraft I sort of did that. I think I used something on the screen (such as another window) check the bar.


@nixCraft just leave mouse cursor on last pixel.


@nixCraft still do (more for loading screens these days though)

@nixCraft I still do this except I move another window to the progress bar edge.
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