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AudraTran :debian:

@duco it's not actually being removed from Chrome. It's being removed from the Chrome Web Store, which is also where all other Chromium browsers get their extensions from.

Fortunately it's easy enough to "sideload" them (for lack of a better word), as extensions like TrackMeNot and AdNauseum have been doing for a long time.


@AudraTran Is it really removed from the web store? I'm just aware of removing Manifest 2 support (which is the old standard for chrome extensions) and just allowing Manifest 3 extensions. Because they removed some APIs in Manifest 3, which where used by ad blockers, they aren't working with Manifest 3 in the way they did with Manifest 2 APIs.

AudraTran :debian:

@duco yes, if you look up the article in the OP, it says "Chrome Web Store installs will no longer be possible".

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