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Space Hobo Actual

@InternetEh I have a bag made by Tom Bihn a couple decades ago, during a time of intense xenophobia in the US. He put labels in all his bags saying "Fabrique en EU", to play with the fact that the French name for the US is "États-Unis". He also had "Made in the US" written in a variety of other systems (Hanzi, Arabic, etc) depending on who was the target of paranoia at any given time.

Sometimes he put apologies for US foreign policy or aggression on the other sides of these labels.


@spacehobo I dunno how far France can look down its nose at anyone on Islamophobia.

Space Hobo Actual

@InternetEh You're quite right, but that was never the point: it was made at a specific time when the Republicans in charge were braying in fury that France wouldn't join them in war on Iraq. They engaged in utterly petty culture-war politics on the issue:

My best friend growing up married a Frenchman, and they had to move to Paris because people refused to work with him based on all this.

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