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Simon Poole

@zverik and for historically correctness, the myth of the "pure" OSM dev environment, is just that, a myth.

Major parts (if not a majority) of central OSM software infrastructure was originally written by people paid to do so, typically by their then employers. You can only "lose" something if it was yours to start with.

Ilya Zverev

@simon Exactly! I mentioned this on my russian-lang channel. Cloudmade would be the most obvious example, plus most key things were paid for, e.g. the redaction bot.


@zverik @simon MapQuest supported Nominatim for several years too, although I think Lovia was doing a lot of work.

Don't neglect the role of the community in innovating though: Wille created OSMCha to deal with some particular problems with edits in Brazil ( HOT Task Manager has antecedents in QualityStreetMap ( & OSM Matrix ( MapCraft also a nice tool in this space.

@zverik @simon MapQuest supported Nominatim for several years too, although I think Lovia was doing a lot of work.

Don't neglect the role of the community in innovating though: Wille created OSMCha to deal with some particular problems with edits in Brazil ( HOT Task Manager has antecedents in QualityStreetMap ( & OSM Matrix ( MapCraft...

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