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Ilya Zverev

@simon Exactly! I mentioned this on my russian-lang channel. Cloudmade would be the most obvious example, plus most key things were paid for, e.g. the redaction bot.

1 comment

@zverik @simon MapQuest supported Nominatim for several years too, although I think Lovia was doing a lot of work.

Don't neglect the role of the community in innovating though: Wille created OSMCha to deal with some particular problems with edits in Brazil ( HOT Task Manager has antecedents in QualityStreetMap ( & OSM Matrix ( MapCraft also a nice tool in this space.

@zverik @simon MapQuest supported Nominatim for several years too, although I think Lovia was doing a lot of work.

Don't neglect the role of the community in innovating though: Wille created OSMCha to deal with some particular problems with edits in Brazil ( HOT Task Manager has antecedents in QualityStreetMap ( & OSM Matrix ( MapCraft...

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