@ddlyh I'm not sure I remember that, I mean, I might have been doing the nesting by hand at one point, but it would be very tedious, and removing one nesting would unbalance all the sublabels. Lambdas have been part of uxntal for about a year now. @ddlyh this page covers pretty much every thing there is know if you want to catch up: https://wiki.xxiivv.com/site/uxntal.html @neauoire What's the actual opcodes stored whena lambda is used in the sourcecode? https://wiki.xxiivv.com/site/uxntal_lambdas.html doesn't really explain that? @ddlyh it depends, lambdas are just labels. If you use !{ then it's a immediate jump, if you ?{ then it's a conditional immediate jump, but they have different opcodes. You can do ;{ then you'll have an absolute lit2 @neauoire labels of the current location? Then why does "?{" never run? Shouldn't it have to be "#00?{"? @ddlyh the matching curlies, yea :) Here's what it looks like in practice: https://git.sr.ht/~rabbits/left/tree/main/item/src/left.tal#L311 |
@neauoire I thought you'd managed to implement lambdas without modifying the language? I remember something about a clever technique you'd figured out?