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Rasmus Lindegaard

@Dierck @Tutanota Yes. And People need to continue to push for digital rights, and never, ever let themselves shrug and go "eh, I'll just let this one go."

Dierck ✅

@rasmus91 @Tutanota I agree with you. We must always be vigilant with regard to EU legislation.

Rasmus Lindegaard

@Dierck @Tutanota Eh, not just EU mate. Our respective governments also tries to "pull a fast one" at times. When things are good, the EU should have legislation that prevents such policies from being implemented, but often EU hinders good things rather than just bad.

Dierck ✅

@rasmus91 @Tutanota It's true. However, citizens are often hardly interested in them. Chat control was an exception.

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