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Steffo 🐲

@Botiplz how long do you charge the watch / do you use sleep tracking? :o

asking, as my current "charge-flow"(?) is that after waking up, I charge my watch until I start leaving the house (~30 minutes later). On weekends I often let it charge longer to get it to 100% again.

Botiplz :spezi:

@SteffoSpieler Not using sleep tracking. 30 minutes should be way enough for a day. (Google says 50% in 30 minutes, 80% in 43 minutes)

Steffo 🐲

@Botiplz oh google says that? Didn't look that up tbh :sd_sweatsmile:

But again, thank you!!

(And nice Spezi emoji there :neofox_cool_fingerguns:)

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