Finally got a proper watch face for my watch!
86 comments shreck this out @NotaDiamond @Hughenknubbel I just used the Kustom Watchface Maker @NotaDiamond I really loved their Wallpaper/Widget ones over the years and was very happy seeing the watch one :D @rebeccaceleste Die war ja mit meinem neuen Handy gebundled. Da nimmt man sowas mit :D @Botiplz oh, without? o.O I've heard only some hours if you exercise? I walk everday 2x 2km (to work and back home). Is it really that bad? o.O Also.. how is WearOS 4? c: (Me still stuck at WearOS 2, security update from october 2021....... :neofox_0_0:) @SteffoSpieler Afaik the first one didn't even managed a day without AOD. The detection seems fine so far (getting a buzz after 5-10 minutes) and battery drain while recording seems fair. @SteffoSpieler Let's say I'm never afraid of having no battery on the end of my day, because i always have a lot of battery left. @SteffoSpieler Not using sleep tracking. 30 minutes should be way enough for a day. (Google says 50% in 30 minutes, 80% in 43 minutes) @botiplz woa, the captain wakes up before 9am. Everyone is better than me at this "waking up" thing @Botiplz I have never before seen the need to have a Smart Watch. Thank you for changing this. @steveworkman I just used the Kustom Watchface Maker Think I take this idea further to our so-called group meeting ... (nobody tells me to keep this on a watch, right? 😉 ) @botiplz Would like to do this for my Garmin watch with @botiplz this is almost enough to move me from iOS back to Android - willing to bet there’s nothing as customisable on iOS watch faces @botiplz und das kannst du lesen? Scheiße, mußt du noch jung sein und gute Augen haben. |
@Botiplz the best one !