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Augie Ray

It is truly a bizarre and discomforting experience to spend the morning reviewing a dozen scientific studies demonstrating #COVID19 damages brains, reproductive systems, livers and other organs and then go to my Facebook feed to see photos of all my friends in planes, at concerts, and in crowded bars without masks. I sure hope there isn't a population-wide level of declining health and regret in the years to come. 😷 😨

Nuncio Bitis ✷ βœ… πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

@augieray You know there will be. And insurance companies will refuse claims because it all would have been avoidable.


@nuncio @augieray
Already happening, if what I see in friends and colleagues is anything to go by. Heart attacks out of nowhere, significant memory loss and brain fog. It can only get worse.

Lorraine Fish

@kaffando @nuncio @augieray
Holy shit! You've got my brain fog thinking. I've got a couple of friends with unexplained health issues.


@rainefish11 @nuncio @augieray
Yep, when you stop and think about people you know who've had #COVID19 it starts to make sense. Truly awful.


@augieray what worries me are thoughts of the future.

What the loss of potential may be for young people to come, our future scientists, mathematicians, medical professionals…. What have ignorant, incompetent, selfish, venal politicians and their corrupt cabal done to the future health and progress of so many?

How can previous successes of public health be re-established after the 180 degrees reversal which now seems so firmly established?

I’m struggling; I’ve to keep such thoughts at bay.


@augieray OH there will be...there'll be at least 3 generations to come who'll not only die younger, but suffer horribly for years beforehand...and not only because of the multiple illnesses and disabilities they'll have but that there'll be so few health care professionals around to care for them, or no money available. Self deletion from the gene pool is happening now.


@augieray Mind you, this will pale into insignificance as we who live long enough watch as millions of healthy people simply die from natural disasters rendering their part of the planet unliveable as runaway climate change takes a real hold...not to mention in 'rich' westernised countries who'll find they no longer have enough food to go round...due to water scarcity, floods, extreme heat, loss of pollinators etc...I'm expecting to be dead before the worst of it due to my age.

Shannon Skinner (she/her)

I feel the same way. I also see my friends posting photos of themselves maskless at crowded indoor events.

I gave up on posting links to COVID research studies for the benefit of my friends on Facebook. Why should I?

One recent Facebook post by a friend in her late 30s or early 40s stated she now has to take medication for plaque buildup in her arteries. She expressed surprise to find out from her physician that COVID can cause that. I told her that I had been reading about that for at least a year.

Mass media currently suppresses the data, but it is out there for anyone to find. People have their heads in the sand right now. I'd like to say they will pay attention when the longer-term deleterious effects of COVID become impossible to ignore, but I think they will continue to enjoy the bliss that ignorance affords them until they become disabled or die an early death.

A couple of days ago I posted to Facebook this graph of the COVID ppm in the wastewater from my area. One friend commented, "Well, I am convinced, I will now stop drinking the waste water in Whatcom County." I did not find that comment funny at all. I have given up, to be honest.


I feel the same way. I also see my friends posting photos of themselves maskless at crowded indoor events.

I gave up on posting links to COVID research studies for the benefit of my friends on Facebook. Why should I?

One recent Facebook post by a friend in her late 30s or early 40s stated she now has to take medication for plaque buildup in her arteries. She expressed surprise to find out from her physician that COVID can cause that. I told her that I had been reading about that for at least a year.

Line graph showing SARS-CoV-2 Concentrations in Wastewater Over Time for Whatcom County, Washington Sewershed Jurisdiction. The x-axis runs from June 30, 2023 to October 30, 2023. The line begins at a low point, slopes upward to July 21, 2023, slopes downward to September 22, 2023, then slopes sharply, almost vertically, to October 30, 2023.
Andrew Pontious

@shansterable @augieray Yeah, just about everybody I know posts pictures like that.

My entire social circle, such as it was: gone.

Lonely time.

Shannon Skinner (she/her)

@apontious @augieray
I ask myself almost every day:

Am I the one that's cray cray?
Am I overreacting to COVID?

After all, these folks having great maskless fun in the crowded indoors seem to be healthy and doing well.

Will I feel vindicated 2 or 3 years from now, or will I feel that I missed out on the fun because I was too risk averse?

I don't know.

Augie Ray

@shansterable @apontious I don't know, either, but I'd rather be safe and find out than be risky and do so.


@shansterable @apontious @augieray We are the correct ones. The rest are playing in a fantasy world. 5-10 years from now this will be very apparent as people die in their 59-60’s from cardiac/cancer diseases. Covid is a mean SOB and people don’t want to change their lives to protect themselves. Very sad.



You have me curious enough now to look up a list of conditions and diseases that damage the brain.


@augieray Is it bad to go out nowadays? I haven't seen or heard about anyone around me getting covid for the past year. I guess we're safe. Don't get yourself locked up because of some disease that apparently has been around for ages.

Wokebloke (call me Doug)

Have unvaccinated relatives who've had it 2X and still refuse to vaccinate, even though studies are showing that having multiple cases compounds the effects of long COVID.

Augie Ray

@dougiec3 I would share studies that might change their mind, but I'm guessing there's no changing their mind.

Arena Cops πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦βœŒ

@augieray I'm wishing you all the responsibility-aware friends you & human community fully deserve!


@augieray "In the long run, we're all dead." - Keynes Cultivating a nonjudgmental awareness of the present can bestow a host of benefits. Mindfulness can reduce stress, boost immune functioning, reduce chronic pain, and can lower blood pressure. Try it!

Kathy E. Gill πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦


There is. And there will be.

Was having similar conversation with a friend on FB. I was unaware of pst-Covid strokes in 30 yo people.

We know long-covid is real and still poorly understood.


@augieray I was vaccinated 2 times and got 2 additional shots (they are offered by the government). Should I be that worried? I got it once and it was very bad, after vaccines and all I caught it again but it was very mild. Should I be that worried being vaccinated? I don't use masks when I am not sick or in an hospital.


@SkyLuke @augieray long Covid risks go up w subsequent infections according to the research. Go maskless (airborne disease) at your own risk. I’m not trying to be dramatic. All is ok until it is not and the people who have been irreparably harmed by Covid are being silenced

PandaChronicle Resists

I think we can pretty much count on that (declining health, etc) and all the while Republicans will be trying to take away healthcare from millions.


@augieray I am honestly quite concerned for the next five to ten years, as the effects continue to stack at a population level, for heart disease, diabetes, Long Covid itself, and all the other deleterious conditions and damage Covid can cause. Between that and the climate crisis, I feel like things may get very difficult. I try to hang on to hope, and pray and act to try to improve things.

Lorraine Fish

we were recently in Mexico City, and the airport was beyond packed. I think we were the only ones wearing a mask. On the plane too!
What the hell !!

she hacked you

@augieray one of the reasons I'm in the process of moving to East Asia. Where ppl believe in science not just when it's politically convenient to, and feel morally superior to others

We can't possibly understand the consequences it will have for years. And getting it yearly or even multiple times a year seems rather reckless without this knowledge

The criticism of zero covid policies drives me crazy. They are bad for wanting to reduce death bc we can't imagine a gov with a real project

Chip Unicorn

@augieray Oh, there won't be regret.

They just won't recognize cause and effect.


@augieray Rest assured, there will be. Too many people have been infected too repeatedly - and many of them are crucial workers, like doctors, nurses, medtechs, teachers, social workers, therapists.

Dr. Frog

@augieray I avoid crowds and haven't eaten out or been to an entertainment event for years, but after getting all of COVID/flu/RSV shots earlier this fall I decided it was safe to do without a mask at grocery stores etc where I don't have lingering exposure to any one person. When my vaccine starts to wear off, or if there's another wave, I'll mask up everywhere again, and for sure I would still be wearing a mask now if I lived with or visited an elderly or immuno-compromised person.

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