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holyrood hannah

Please look at these incredible illuminated manuscript cookies katie made yesterday

Chris 🟦 🌻


Oh my just awesome too lovely to destroy by eating! 🦄

Croom (regular name)

@hannah these are awesome! Were they done with printing edible ink onto transfer paper or by hand?


@hannah if they make some again can I put in a request for “beaver that looks like a dog chewing off its own testicles” because I think it could only enhance this beautiful work.

These are fantastic.

Petrichor Squirrel

@hannah holy hell those are too beautiful to eat!!

heatherhonks :goose_honk:

@chimerror @hannah was this like, just for fun

so glad you documented these oh my god

:googlyeye: Stlex :googlyeye2:

@hannah these look simultaneously gorgeous and also delicious


@hannah Omg these are amazing, please tell Katie I love them!


@hannah love them so much I forwarded them to my sister. Her husband digitalises and translates old manuscripts for a living. This is epic birthday cake inspiration in my opinion!

David Croyle

@hannah Those are very awesome. I would definitely eat some, but with very mixed feelings!



Is that the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog?

Time to bring out the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.


@hannah You can’t just eat these, it would be like munching on the Book of Kells!

holyrood hannah

@Nickiquote (spitting crumbs everywhere) more like the bake of kells


So cool. Reminds me of the Peak Freans Playbox biscuits we used to buy on our family trips to Canada back in the late 60s early 70s. I still have a tin, but I don't think they make them anymore.

James H McLaren

@hannah They are all great, but I think my favourite is the murder bunny at bottom right. It’s the look on its face that really puts that one over the top.

dave 🏳️‍🌈💻😷:any:​

@hannah This is incredible. They deserve a trophy, parade, and a ceremonial robe

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